50th wedding anniversaries!

The time has come to congratulate our classmates who have reached a major milestone in their lives:  their 50th wedding anniversaries.  This page was lauched in 2014 with just one 50th anniversary photograph, but the page is growing.  As in all of MCHS60.com, the newest items appear first.   Please send a photo of YOUR 50th anniversary to Wayne Overbeck.

Paul and Kristin (Mehring) Kuld celebrated their 57th anniversary in 2022.  Paul attended Mira Costa as a freshman and graduated from Aviation High in the Class of 1960.  Kristin graduated from Mira Costa in 1962.  Both knew many members of the MC Class of 1960, especially those who attended Community Baptist Church (now known as Journey of Faith).  Paul was a Professor of Biology at Biola University for 39 years.  They have two sons and four grandchildren.  Kristin's brother, Mike Mehring, was a member of the MC Class of 1960.  Sadly, Mike has been listed on our In Memoriam page for many years. 

Jim and Pam McEntyre sent this photo, which was taken at the time of their 50th anniversary cruise to Hawaii in April, 2014.   They spent five days at sea, visited three islands, then spent another five days at sea and returned home via Ensenada.

Roger and Delphia Anderson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in March, 2018 by returning to Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma--the place where they met.  Roger was stationed there and Delphia was a civilian employee on the base.   Roger has been a licensed pilot ever since his days as a student at Mira Costa.  His service in the Vance AFB control tower and later at the FAA center in Oklahoma City led to a lifelong career as an air traffic controller.  As their 50th anniversary approached,  he contacted the base public affairs office and they were given a v..i.p. tour of the base, including the new 21st century tower and radar facility.  The photo below shows them on the airfield to celebrate their golden anniversary.


Dave and Karen (Aabel) Vogl observed their 50th anniversary with an appearance on the Today show in New York in Febnruary, 2013.  This is one of the photos taken to mark that occasion. 

Four years later, Dave and Karen Vogl sat for this portrait and the one immediately below to observe their 54th anniversary in 2117. 

Don and Kathy Roland celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Annapolis, Maryland on Feb. 1, 2014. They chose to delay any formal celebration of their anniversary until June when most of their children and grandchildren could join them in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Pictured on their Hilton Head 50th anniversary trip on June 27 are (left to right) Philip and Jenny (Roland) Wolfe with their daughters Charlotte (age 3) and Emma (age 5) from Georgetown, Delaware; Don and Kathy; and Richard and Aileen (Roland) Wall from Camarillo, California.  Below: here are Don and Kathy on Feb. 1, 2014--and on Feb. 1, 1964.

Mike (Roger) and Karen (Richards) Rambeau celebrated their 50th anniversary on June 6, 2014 in Napili, Maui, Hawaii (the 50th state).  At right is a photo of them on their wedding day 50 years earlier.

Here are Rich and Tally Saum in a portrait on their 49th anniversary.  They celebrated their 50th on August 24, 2013 with a Hawaiian cruise.

Jim and Sammie (Chapman) Baker, shown here in an earlier portrait, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 27, 2011.  Do they hold the record for the longest-enduring marriage of the Class of 1960? 


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