SHARING MCHS '60 people share their news and views... Note: this page offers a forum for those who would like to contribute something longer and perhaps more personal than the brief news items on the "News of the Class of '60" page. Contributors are usually listed in the order in which they submitted items, starting with the most recent:
From Gretchen Guethlein Gunderson: Gretchen Guethlein Gunderson (Raymond, WA) - Last time I attended a MCHS gathering was for our 35th class reunion. Don't know where I found the time. Retirement is nuts! I substitute in two relatively small school districts. Just got back from two weeks at the Ashland Oregon Shakespeare festival (4 Shakespeare's, an interesting version of "Oklahoma," "Sense and Sensibility," and four other really good plays. My sister and I attend a program on the Southern Oregon University campus, stay in a dorm and eat cafeteria food (at our age??!!) and enjoy 28 classes all relevant to the theater. That's why I sub. It helps pay for going to Ashland. Got home to mountains of laundry. Two guys at home, guys who use a bath towel only once before it goes on the floor; the younger of the two is 13 and he tends to change his clothes two or three times a day. After all, one cannot wear the same clothes to a volleyball game that one wore to school! The thirteen-year-old is our grandson whom we are raising. He's a wonderful kid, laundry notwithstanding. He's one of our 19 greats and grands. Am still "doing" church. If you're ever in Western Washington, drop in at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Montesano. We're small (sometimes only 10 or 12 on a Sunday), but we're active, and loaded with participants. Three priests, me included, and seven (!) preacherss. After a couple of bouts of breast cancer and one of leukemia, I am currently ridiculously healthy. My oncologist, whom I see twice a year, always puts his arm around me and calls me his miracle. Of course God keeps me alive. Somebody has to do the laundry around here! Greetings to all -- Gretchen Guethlein Gunderson (posted 9/23/18)
From Bob Campbell I thought that 5 years was enough time
to let the story grow concerning this
My second son Bret, is also married, to
a wonderful young lady who is
As to the "old man", I am not doing so
bad either. I have continued to work
Sharon's side of the family has recently
grown with the additions of two
Well I hope this new message was interesting
to you all finds you all doing
-BC and Clan members. (For context, here is an earlier message that Bob sent on 8/17/09) As a quick overview to my past history, in 1998 I accepted an Early Retirement package from San Diego Gas and Electric in July of 1998. I made a decision to make Washington my home for lots of reasons mostly concerned with the quality of life up here versus the situation as I found it in California at the time. For those of you who have not visited the Great Pacific Northwest, you are missing ‘ a little bit of paradise’ . Not long after locating here I went to work for a major player in the construction materials industry and was the Regional HR Executive here in the Northwest encompassing facilities in WA, OR, Idaho and Montana. After 7 years with that organization, I retired in June of 2006. Subsequent to that I established my own HR Consulting firm, The RMC Group, which specialized in working with small to medium sized organizations assisting them in resolving their employee related issues. In addition, I continued teaching at several local colleges, including the University of Phoenix, in their Graduate and Undergraduate Business Schools. In 2007 I retired from teaching after 8 years with these schools. Based upon a conversation I had with a close friend I joined the Costco organization working initially as a seasonal employee and eventually was asked to return as a permanent employee working in the Members Services organization. We are responsible for Customer Relations, Safety and Security for the warehouse that I work at in Tacoma, WA. It is a GREAT company with lots of extras for their employees, even for those who may be a bit “over the hill”. I am having a great time with every part of this new adventure! As to personal side, I am still in a wonderful relationship with my significant other (Sharon) that has now entered into its 9th year. We live in a small town south of Seattle called Federal Way and are enjoy everything about our life together. I have adopted Sharon’s family and as my own and we are able to enjoy all the pleasures that come with daughters, sons and especially grandkids! Speaking of Kid lets, I have two (also MICOHI alumni) Chad (class of 92) and Bret (class of 95) who reside in Arizona, California respectfully and who are doing very well in their own rights as outstanding young men. My oldest son, Chad and his lady are about to give birth to their first child at any point as we speak. It will be a boy and his name will be Bryce Munro Campbell. I am sincerely looking forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the Great MICOHI Class of 1960 next year. It truly will be a tremendous and spectacular event for us all. To each of you I send best wishes and continued good health in the coming year and years. Aloha and be well.
Barbara (Meyers) Kellogg called me today (1/4/2015) to let me know that Lynne Reeder Mobley Donnelly passed away on December 24. I know she wasn’t in our class but many of us knew her and so I thought I’d let you know, and you can decide if you want to let everyone know or not. Also, if you know who handles the Class of ’59, they may want to know as well. Unfortunately, Barbara had no details about what actually happened re cause of death, but apparently Lynne had not been well for some time. Barbara kept in touch with her regularly. She died in Montana. For a long time Lynne had a large number of acres in Montana (at least 80) and she raised sheep. She was always an animal-lover except she wasn’t fond of the wolves killing her sheep! And the wolves were protected which irked her even more. Once she was unable to work such a large area of land, she sold it and moved into a smaller place in some town in Montana. Lynne was certainly one of my good friends in high school but, as sometimes happens, people drift apart as their lives and values change. I don’t know if I still have them, but for a long time (and maybe still) I kept a lot of letters from Lynne because they were hysterical. I felt they were publishable…she was a character when she put her hand to a pen. And she either couldn’t spell or refused to, and that made them all the more unique and fun to read. Lynne was never in the middle of the Bell Curve and that also is what endeared her to me for many, many years. We both danced on the edge…perhaps at different places but we liked our non-conformist selves. Here’s a couple of poems I wrote about Lynne around 1992, and sent to her. The first one plays off her move to Montana and her life there. The second one is a description of “Old Pies," which is what we always called ourselves. So for anyone who didn’t know her, these poems will give you some sense of Lynne Reeder. What I want to say to Lynne is, "RIP you old pie”! COW PIE WISDOM She’s an old Cow Pie
She herds her sheep
She looks at “Gods Glitter”
She’s an old Cow Pie
She’s as wise as a Crone
She’s an old Cow Pie
Vicki 1992 (?)
Old Pies’ Tales Once upon a time there was a
Over time, she grew to youthful
As time ran on, she realized she had become
Moral: No matter what, a Pie is a
tasty morsel
Vicki 5.29.92
From Roger Anderson At the end of February, 2014, I had a triple bypass operation. Since bypass operations are now one of the most common surgeries performed, no big deal. However, how I found that I needed the bypass operation, and how fortunate I was in that the need for it being almost accidentally discovered, Wayne thought it was enough of a big deal that I should maybe share my story. it is. The arterial blockage discovery was basically luck...for me... and almost didn't happen. Since my mid 30s, I've been physically active. For a while, I took running seriously, running 10Ks and marathons. For the last 20 years I have had a daily routine of jogging, with the last couple of years just being rapid walking or using a Stairmaster stepper machine. However, for about the past year when exercising, walking, mowing the yard, etc, after about 5 to 10 minutes, I would start to develop very mild upper body and arm fatigue. Nothing really hurt..just a kinda sore or fatigued feeling in those areas. However, there was nothing at all severe or even enough discomfort to cause me to think "cardiac issues". I would stop the activity and rest for a minute or so, symptoms would go away, and I could usually continue my routine with no further occurrence. Finally, in January, I decided that in conjunction with a routine family doctor visit I needed, I should at least tell my family doctor what was occurring and let him have a look. I made an appointment with my family doctor. And then, the week before the appointment, the symptoms totally ceased to appear. I could really get aggressive on the Stairmaster and feel good. I went to the doctor anyhow, described what had been occurring in the past, but told him whatever it was it was gone completely, and I felt great. He did an EKG, checked my heart, all great. He did say that I should maybe visit a cardiologist and get a stress test. My last one had been about ten years before. Two weeks later I saw the cardiologist. I told him I felt kinda silly being there, that I felt great. However, I did describe the previously experienced symptoms as best I could, emphasizing that they were nothing worse than mild. He just shook his head and said my symptoms were symptoms of angina, and that I very likely had coronary artery disease and that those symptoms would return. He said instead of a stress test, let's do an arteriogram. He said that they were easy to do now and were usually done through the wrist instead of the groin. I felt like I was about to waste the insurance company's money, so I said that I'd like to wait until fall for that. (We had another cruise scheduled for April). He said ok, but was going to put me on three different medicines until then. This guy was taking it seriously. I went home, exercised hard, felt great, but thought about it. I called him back and said lets go ahead and do the arteriogram. We did it a week later. I thought maybe a minor blockage might be discovered or even possibly a stent for one artery. WRONG. I woke up and he said, "three major blockages, not treatable by a stent, at least a triple bypass required". I was in shock. He sent me up to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville to his cardiac surgeon. I told that guy, hey I feel great, let's wait (cruise pending). He looked at my charts and said, no. He said I could have very easily had a heart attack already and was very lucky that I hadn't. He said that I should not be exercising anymore for now. He did say that my heart was very healthy and for me to get this done before it was damaged by a heart attack. So there you go. Surgery was a week later. I was sooo lucky. Had my family doctor appointment been just a few days later than it was, and with me feeling as good as I did, I would have cancelled the appointment. And... I could have very easily then, at any time, then been lying on the side of the road, exercise clothes on, but very dead.
My message...if you feel anything physically that isn't quite right, don't ignore it. Hopefully it will be nothing. But do have the Doc take a look. My symptoms of impending serious heart attack were so mild, I ignored them for months...and that could have very easily killed me. That's my story. I'm very fortunate. Roger (The photo at left was taken at a gathering of Aeronca pilots several months after Roger's bypass.) ____________ Roger sent this follow-up note in January of 2018: My wife and I just completed our 20th cruise several weeks ago. This is getting embarrassing. And then, last April (just before another cruise was scheduled), I thought I felt some very, very mild symptoms of angina. I was about 3 years past my triple bypass. Another angiogram did reveal that two of my grafted veins had collapsed. Darn! I paid good money for those. Turns out this is fairly common. About 40% do collapse within 3 to 5 years. Anyhow, this time they were able to give me two stents and an angioplasty. So, I guess my blood flow is doing whatever it is suppose to do again. Feel fine now.
From Brian Maki We bought another house in Henderson in October 2005, and sold the first one around February 2006. I actually retired from Union Bank as the SVP and Regional Director for their Private Bank in Beverly Hills in September of 2006, and we moved to Henderson in October 2006. Our younger daughter, Trisha, and her husband Shawn (With their daughter Jessica) were able to buy our home in Thousand Oaks! We bought a third home in Henderson for my son and mother to live in in 2008. Erik took care of her 24/7 for two years until we moved her to a dementia facility in 2010. Our son continues to have health issues, but hopefully in the next six months he will finally be able to move on with his life in a productive way. My mother turned 93 last month in the dementia facility, and appears that she could survive for perhaps several more years! Our older daughter Kristen, did indeed move to a city bordering Sydney, Australia, with her family in 2006 (Alexandra 12 - Born in West Palm Beach, Florida; Stephanie 10 - Born in Geneva, Switzerland; Connor just turned 9 - Born in Geneva, Switzerland; Dylan recently turned 7 - Born in Sydney, Australia. In 2010, they moved to the Southern Highlands where they continued to be home schooled by several teachers until this March (General curriculum, French, German, Mandarin Chinese). In March, they moved to Noosa Springs, Queensland, Australia, where they live on a golf course. In March of next year, all four kids will begin to go to a local private school. My son-in-law, Terry Hayes, wrote screenplays for feature films for 25 years (Before that he was a reporter for an Australian newspaper, and had covered Watergate and Nixon's resignation). His most notable screenplays were: Mad Max ll & lll; Dead Calm; Payback; Vertical Limit (My name is one of the characters in the movie - The weather expert), and From Hell. Just over three years ago Terry began writing his first novel titled I Am Pilgrim. It has already been released in England, Australia, Germany, and I believe Italy with excellent results! It was released in the U.S. today!! I have read well over 1,000 books over the years, and, it is one of the best books I have ever read, and is by far, the best Black Ops/Thriller I have, again, ever read!!! In July last year, Sandi and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We flew to Prague and spent four nights, took a Viking River Cruise from there to Paris (Actually a four hour bus ride from Paris) where we spent four nights, took a train to Amsterdam (Great City), for five nights, took a bus to Brussels for five nights, and flew to LAX from there. We had to pick up our dog, Bentley (Golden Doodle), and get back to Henderson. We will be leaving again for Australia - Noosa Springs, in late August for 6 1/2 weeks. Health wise, Sandi (Mira Costa Class of 1964) and I are doing pretty well given our advanced ages - Ha-Ha! My Best Regards to you and all of our classmates!
(Bob attended Mira Costa in 1956-57, then was among the group transferring to Aviation High, where he graduated in 1960. He sent the message below, which is full of MCHS references, in 2009. Renzo Ferraris, of course, was the MCHS exchange student from Italy in 1959-60. Bob sent a follow-up item after spending two days with Renzo in late 2013. To maintain the continuity of this, the new message appears after the original one below.) During my Freshman year at Mira Costa,
one of my most vivid memories, aside
As juniors at Aviation, Sue Miller and
I were selected as AFS "candidates" to go abroad for the Summer, but neither
of us got to go. But when the opportunity to host a foreign exchange student
came up, I asked my parents
I attended the University of Southern California
on a Naval ROTC scholarship and for my Summer Training Cruises got to travel
to Hawaii the first year and to the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean just
before my Senior year. I had
A few years ago, in 2006, my daughter was doing a lot of research about Italy and preparing to go there for a vacation. She even learned the language. I told her about Renzo, who I thought might still be in Genoa, and recounted that the e-mail address in the MCHS60 website did not work. (Bob recently sent us Renzo's new address. -ed.) Somehow she found him by using an Italian search engine and that is how we reconnected. My daughter met up with him for a day in Genoa and they spoke Italian the whole time. Then in 2007, my wife and I were planning an Eastern Mediterranean cruise on Costa, an Italian cruise line, which was to make a port visit for a day in Savona, just West of Genoa. That is where and how we got to see Renzo. He was wonderful, spending the day with us on the Italian Riviera, while conducting his engineering consulting business on his cellphone throughout the day. If you look up Cervo, Italy in Google Earth, it is near Imperia, between Savona and San Remo, West of Genoa, the Baroque Cathedral is impressive. We were there about 10am and the sun was shining in through the stained glass windows onto the Altar. Cervo is so small and the streets so narrow, one must park at the bottom of the hill on the outskirts of town and hike up to the beautiful Baroque Cathedral at the top of the village. And from the piazza in front of the Cathedral the view of the Italian Riviera was fantastico! I am retired from a career in Commercial Real Estate (I listed and sold parts of the former Olympia Brewery in Tumwater), Regional, Community and Neighborhood Shopping Center Management, and as a retired Navy Captain, having served in Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates, Minesweepers and was even a Foreign Exchange Officer on a Dutch Frigate with the Royal Netherlands Navy for 14 months. A follow-up message, posted in 2014: In November 2013 my wife Shirley and I took an 8-Day Northern Italy River Cruise and when it was completed, we took the Italian Rail “White Arrow” (Frecciabianca) train to Genoa to visit Renzo Ferraris. Renzo is still working and owns his own engineering consulting business, but took time to spend 2 days with us, which included time with my foreign exchange student “foster brother” from Switzerland, Lucien Vallet, who took the Swiss Rail train down from his home in Basel. Renzo and Lucien had not seen each other in 53 years, since 1960 when they were high school Exchange Student Seniors at Mira Costa and Aviation High, respectively. Genoa is in the Italian region of Liguria, which is known for its seafood and for its olive oil. We enjoyed both while we were in Genoa. Renzo drove us along the scenic Mediterranean coast and we visited Portofino, a truly picturesque tourist destination and fishing village. Now that the 3 of us have re-connected for this 2013 reunion, we plan to do it again in 3 years. A 2013 photo of Renzo and Lucien is on Mustang Neighborhood, page five.
From Janeane (Jan) Hendrick Moody (After Bob Terhune sent the message above about connecting with Renzo Ferraris in Italy in 2013, he began emailing friends to see if anyone knew the whereabouts of Cynthia Dowling of New Zealand, Mira Costa's other AFS exchange student in 1959-60. Bob is planning a future trip to New Zealand. One of the people he contacted was Jan Hendrick Moody, who knew Cynthia well and whose family hosted an AFS student from Germany. This is an edited version of her response.) I was delighted to receive (the message from Bob Terhune) and the photo of Renzo and Lucien. I quickly forwarded them to Joern V. Koch, our exchange student from Germany the same year at Redondo High School. Well, you have started me on quite a search, through old addresses, letters, and travel records. I have not yet come up with Cynthia Dowling's address. But there remains an old trunk full of memorabilia to be retrieved and delved into. I must tell you that, in the event that I do find something, it may be outdated information, but perhaps even that may be of some help in our search. I did come up with an address for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhylick (possibly spelled Ryhlick), the couple who placed the A.F.S. exchange students in our homes that year. If they are no longer with us, they did have children as I recall. I think that they may have been Cynthia's host family; if not, they may know who was. (Or, I may yet come up with that information.) I realize that it is a long shot, but their address was: 2320 The Strand, Manhattan Beach, CA (before we had zip codes). Maybe a neighbor knows how to contact someone in the family? Cynthia was a good friend of mine at Mira Costa, even though I was not her host sister. I did have an address for her and was hoping to visit her in Christchurch on the South Island of New Zealand on a 1984 trip to Australia and New Zealand with my Australian husband, Ian. We visited his family in Australia and stayed with friends in Auckland. From there, we traveled completely around the beautiful North Island, but did not have time to go to Christchurch after all. The 1984 address is the last address I had for her. I will send it if I find it. With internet searches you may be able to do better. The problem for me has always been finding women friends that now have married names. I was a host sister that year, however. The New Year's party... at my house was for the exchange students and their host brothers and sisters from all three schools. I had so much wanted to be an exchange student, and had recommendations from my teachers but, because I had asthma, my application was denied. So, I became the president of the World Friendship Club at M.C.H.S., to raise funds to bring us the A.F.S. students. Mr. and Mrs. Rhylick had placed five out of the six students that were to come in 1959-1960, but had a boy from Germany, Joern Koch, and were having difficulty finding a Redondo H.S. home for him. They heard about my interest, and paid my family a visit. It took a while to convince my father (there were already four of us kids and my grandmother living with us), but my mother was for it, and we prevailed. (Later, my dad was glad we did.) That's how we ended up with a Redondo exchange student in a Mira Costa family. And so, my family "adopted" a wonderful lifelong brother (with exactly the same birthday as mine)! We have maintained close contact throughout the years. Joern has worked as an economist for the E.U., the U.N., Bull General Electric, and the World Bank, in Iran (Tehran), Liberia, Indonesia, New Guinea, Chile, Paraguay, Turkey, Macedonia, Crete, and Estonia. [And I may yet think of a few more places!] His home, throughout all of these peregrinations, has been in a village on the Aegean side of mainland Greece. He lives there with his wife, Karin. His son, Harry, married the daughter of the mayor of three local villages, and we attended their traditional "Big Fat Greek Wedding" that involved musicians leading the wedding parties through the street, 1,500 guests at the church, and 800 for the dinner reception on the lawn below their home (which he converted out of an old olive factory), complete with traditional dancing until after 4:00 A.M. Harry and his wife now have two little boys. I bought a traditional little house in the same village the year before I met Ian. My two daughters, Ian's son, Ian's mother, my brother and sister, and two nieces have all been to stay in my house and visit Joern. We have traveled all over mainland and island Greece, and love it and the Greek people. I love archeology, history, art and mythology, and Ian loved the windsurfing. (Ian now does stand up paddleboarding!) So our trips were mixtures of archeological and historical sites and museums, and visits to the Aegean for the surf, and enjoying the tavernas and village life. Joern, Karin, and Harry have visited us here, near San Francisco. Ian and I also met several German families that camped on the village beaches in Greece. We now have lifelong German friends who have visited us in Sausalito and whom we have visited in Germany. Their children have also been here, and even attended school with my nieces, so the exchange extends into another generation. Two of these German couples also flew with us to stay at our casa and tour Mexico. While raising my daughters, we hosted exchange students from Japan and Quebec, and one of my daughters on exchange to Quebec. One summer, I placed 27 Japanese university exchange students in local homes, took them on tours, and was their English language teacher. And in teaching many subjects, mostly in middle schools and high schools, I loved teaching English as a Second Language (now called English Language Development) to kids from around the world. So, you see how the love of cultural exchange has continued throughout my life. We now go to Mexico more often that to Greece, and I am now a happy "Gramma" with four grandsons, ages 15, 12, 6, and 6 months. I am teaching them a little Spanish and Greek, and I have one grandson (so far) that loves Greek mythology. We have a little time, so hopefully we will find Cynthia before your trip. Maybe other M.C.H.S. alumni have some information on Cynthia, if we put out the word? It was fun to hear from you! Have a wonderful 2014! Janeane (Jan) Hendrick Moody
From Judy Martin Pattee All is really pretty awesome for me... still... I moved to Hawai'i almost 4 years ago and am having more fun than I could possibly imagine! Because I owned my businesses for the past many, many years, I was so used to working... working... working (altho I loved every one of my businesses) that I forgot what it is like to play, play, play... But, I am a fast learner for sure... and that's what I do every day now... Got into hula dance and our hui shows up to dance at all kinds of venues around the island.. and is a total blast! Also growing my own food in the local community garden and so adore that plot, that valley, those folks, those greens. Doing volunteer work here and there.. one opportunity is in a non-profit Thrift Shoppe (you can take the girl out of retail, but you can't take the retail out of the girl...) and love it. And somehow got into pet/house sitting, and that allows me to experience living in all kinds of different places and different types of homes around the isle. And gives me darling pets to love and adore. I also continue to do my healing work with the Reiki energy... and completely surrender to whatever happens in each session. Life keeps surprising me.... Hope all continues to be so well in your life and you continue to have 'happy times.' I totally believe we deserve it! Have a terrific MCHS reunion... Me ke aloha pumehana, Judy Judy Pattee, Reiki Master-Teacher
Zero Tolerance for Disharmonious Conditions
From Jim and Sammie (Chapman) Baker We are sorry that we were unable to attend the 50th reunion. We have both experienced some rather serious health issues over the past few years but are doing better now. We wanted to send a fairly recent photo of us and a view from our home in Mariposa, CA. Jim retired in August 1985 at the rank of Lieutenant after 22 years with the Los Angeles Police Department. His last six years on the department were as the Officer in Charge of a section of investigators in the Organized Crime Intelligence Division. He spent four years as the LAPD's representative to the Los Angeles Federal Organized Crime Strike Force. He also served as the Assistant Commanding Officer of the LAPD's Terrorist Surveillance Group during the 1984 Summer Olympics. Sammie retired in 1988 from Del Mar Window coverings where she was an Administrative Assistant to the VP of Marketing. We built our home in Mariposa in 1989 on a 20-acre parcel. It is at 3300 feet elevation in the western foothills of Yosemite National Park just 45 minutes from Yosemite Valley. After the home was completed, Jim worked in real estate for several years and in 1995 he served as President of the Mariposa County Board of Realtors. During that same time he was also a Hunter Education Instructor for the California Department of Fish and Game. Jim then left real estate and ran his own private investigation business (Sierra Pines Investigations) for twelve years and retired again in 2007. Sammie has been able to pursue her passion for quilting. She has won several awards for her quilts in local quilt shows and won the People's Choice Award at the 2003 Mariposa County Fair. She had a quilt featured in the Winter 2002 edition of Quilt Magazine and was the Featured Quilter in the 2007 Sierra Mountain Quilter's Association Quilt Show. We are both active in our church. Sammie is active in two local quilt guilds and Jim is active in the Mariposa Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd fellows. We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in May 2011 with a two-week cruise to Hawaii. We just returned from a leisurely four days in Monterey where we celebrated our 51st anniversary. Our son Steve and daughter Carol, who live in southern California, love to bring their families to visit. Steve is a Pictorial Artist with Disney and Carol is a Sergeant on the Torrance Police Department. We have four grandchildren: Erica (16) and Nathan (13) are Steve's children; Ziggy (14) and Samantha (12 - aka Sammie) are Carol's children. They think it is pretty neat that Grammy and Grandpa's "back yard" is Yosemite. They spend a lot of time there, using our home as the base camp. When we moved to Mariposa, we noticed that the Mariposa County High School's (MCHS) colors were green and gold. Their mascot is the Grizzly bear. We are never far from the MCHS green and gold. We wish all of our MCHS classmates well. Our photo was taken in May 2009 for our church directory. The view from our deck into Yosemite was taken in February 2009. (For the photos, see "Mustang Neighborhood, page 5". This was updated in May, 2012.) Jim & Sammie
Wow what can I say: Enjoy life while we
still can, Happy 70th to all. I too, want to thank Karen for her thoughtfulness.
I missed your sorority benefit this last year, please keep me in the loop.
We live for grandkids lately, all 14 seem to keep us busy: communions for
two granddaughters, grandson Dylan just turned 18, got new paint for his
I have been playing golf on Tues and Fridays.
Still belong to PERF: Pulmonary, Education and Research Foundation.
Still involved in CCPA, Covina Center for the Performing Arts. Harry is
on the Board for Queen of the
From Mike Weaver: My wife, Jan and I live in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, 15 minutes from downtown historic Grass Valley and Nevada City. What a great place to live if you are retired, because it has all the elements for quality living. Our home is located on a small hilltop surrounded by pines, firs and oak trees. I planted a small vinyard and make my own red wine, Our 18 acres keeps me plenty busy beginning in the spring through the fall. The winter months are spent turning wood into bowls, birdhouses and wine stoppers. I have been a featured artist at one of our tourist stops in downtown Grass Valley. Another of my passion is my love for bike riding. I either do the spin class at the gym or I venture out on the highway with a group of fellow bicyclists. My most recent achievement was a ride from Cisco Grove up the Donner Pass, which stands at 7,000 feet. This area is a mecca for bicycle riders because of its hilly terrain and majestic sierra scenery. In fact it is one of Lance Armstrong's favorite places to ride. I had the pleasure of helping out this year with both the first stage of the Amgen Tour of California and also the 50th California Classic Bike Race in Nevada City. For 38 years, my wife Jan has been my soul
mate. Twelve years younger than I, she
We are proud parents of two children. Our son, Craig is married and is a contractor in Long Beach. Our daughter, Kelly is a mother of seven year old triplet boys, Isaac, Sean andParker. She works as a paramedic and teaches a paramedic program at the local college. I'll close by saying that life has been very good to us.
From John Winter: I retired several years ago due to heart problems. Owning and running an Insurance Agency must have been the culprit, as I have had no problems since retiring. Moved to San Diego and sold a couple pieces of rental properties I owned and purchased a 1912 home with rental units on the grounds. This takes most of my time remodeling and upgrading. I volunteer time and am on the Board and Treasurer of PAWS of San Diego County. (Pets Are Wonderful Support). We are volunteer run and have over 200 clients. Our annual fundraiser is in June so most of my time now is spent getting items for the silent auction and organizing for the event. My son moved back to California after living in Iowa and Oregon for the past 15 years. It is nice to have him close by again plus he is a contractor and very handy with helping on the many projects that come with older property. I still have rentals in Phoenix so go over there about once a month except in the summer. Too hot. Life is basically good.
From Jack Mike Clute: Jack Mike Clute (Grass Valley, CA) - Just
about the same old thing. Just takes longer, less of it, slower to
do it and forget I’ve done it! Mainly working a damn good size organic
garden and greenhouse. Oh, and when visiting Redondo this February,
noticed a pain in my shoulder and chest…. Talked to our daughter
who’s an emergency room RN and she convinced us to cut our visit short
and see our local hospital. Ended up having obligatory open heart
surgery with a six way bypass. Guess maybe some of the crap eaten
in the snack shop plus smoking down in the parking lot of MCHS wasn’t all
that good for the heart. Things are looking OK now, and think I’m
on top of the cardio-vascular trend.
From Patty Gray Robinson: My Mom went home to be with the Lord two months ago at the age of 92 with congestive heart failure. She and my Dad had just celebrated their 71st Anniversary - quite an accomplishment! My Dad (94) is now living with us and doing quite well for his age. He misses my Mom but has always been a strong person with a lot of faith. We have been blessed to have had them both in our lives for so long. My granddaughter, Katy (17), just graduated from Yucaipa High School with high honors and will be going to Cal Baptist in Riverside in the fall. Her goal is to work with children - not sure in what area. She enjoys short term missions - especially to orphanages. So, we'll see where God leads her. My oldest Granddaughter, Mandy (20), is in nursing school and my oldest Grandson, Kenny (21), is a personal trainer for Fitness 19. My youngest Grandson, Kevin (17), will be a senior at Yucaipa HIgh and is leaning towards being a policeman, like his Dad, or a fireman. My son, Joe, is a police officer in Riverside and his wife is CSI. My daughter, Kathy, just started working at Cal Baptist (this gives Katy free tuition). That's a great help since Kathy is a single Mom. So, Kenny and Katy are her two kids and Mandy and Kevin are Joe's. We attend Harvest Christian Fellowship,
with Pastor Greg Laurie, in Riverside and really enjoy it.
From Jim McEntyre Wow, almost 50 years ago (!) I graduated along with everyone else and then set out to conquer the world, I suppose much like everyone else. College was too expensive to continue full time, so I started working my way through school. I met my future wife at El Camino College (in Dr. Kirk’s English 1A class). We married in 1964 and now, 45 years later, we still are happy we met. We put each other through college and eventually both of us became teachers in Torrance. We settled into the ‘burbs and started our family -- a boy and a girl. Everything was fine until I started teaching adults in the evening division at El Camino College. I discovered that I didn’t like teaching middle school so much any more, so I resigned and took employment as a technical trainer with a very large multinational company. Many years later, when I was the training manager, the company decided that it had too many employees and offered a generous early retirement package to those who had enough years with the company. The package was especially generous for management types and I was very surprised to find that I could early retire at 55, so I did. Pam and I wasted no time in trying to fulfill a life-long fantasy of mine. We bought a good boat and began to make plans to outfit it for sea. We sold our home, invested all our house and retirement money in the stock market, and moved aboard. During the two years we took to ready our boat for sea, our son proposed to and married his high school sweetheart. The day eventually arrived when the last item was finally checked off our very long list of things to do. It was time to go. We hosted a bon-voyage party and sailed away to the south to find out just how well fantasy would align with reality. It didn’t take long – the 2001 stock market crash KO’d our income stream while we were in Mexico. I took a job with the Special Effects Dept. for a film being shot in Mexico, “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World”. After a year of filmmaking and refilling our bank account, and yet another retirement, our daughter announced that she was engaged to be married. We did all the things parents are expected to do to marry off a daughter and in the process delayed our departure for one more year. After the wedding we set sail a second time and this time we kept on moving, slow as it was, but always moving in the general direction of south, along the Pacific Coast of North and Central America. A few years later, after deciding it was time for us to leave Panama, we turned right and sailed across the South Pacific Ocean to the Galapagos Islands, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Tonga, and eventually to New Zealand and Australia where we spent more than a year. Around this time our grandkids began to arrive so we sold our boat in New Zealand and came home to spoil our four beautiful grandkids. We bought another boat, won the battle with melanoma (we really did have too much fun in the sun, it seems) and we now live aboard in SF Bay. It’s much colder here than way down south! During the summer of 2010 we will sail from wherever we happen to be and make our way to King Harbor where we will anchor “Lyric” so we can attend the 50th reunion. For out-of-town classmates who could use a place to stay, we have extra room aboard for 2 or 3 hardy souls to stay with us during the celebration. I look forward to seeing all my “old” classmates again. You may not recognize me because I now have mostly gray hair.
My husband Richard and I live on ten acres in the Sierra foothills after moving her from Sacramento in 1998. He was medically retired in 2000 after 30 years of practice as a Clinical Psychologist in southern California, Hawaii, and northern California. When he retired, I worked as his office manager, a job I had taken on at various times in his professional career. (The photo shows Richard and Judy at Yosemite.)
After our kids were raised, I returned to school and was working on a Special Major Master's degree in Design Research at CSUS when I was diagnosed with cancer in 1997. I went through all the necessary treatments and have been cancer-free for more than 11 years now. I had begun working in the Interior Design field when our family lived in Hawaii in the early 80's and finally decided that my real career hope was to combine my design experience and my writing skills with the training to research and write about various aspects--both historical and current--of Interior Design. All that has been put on the back burner these days. Now I seem to be more than busy with church work and being the grandmother of five wonderful grandkids who live in widely separate parts of the U.S. that can be a challenge! A trip to see them all would take us almost all the way across the country. Our oldest son, Joe, is married, lives in Olympia, WA, and has a 5 year-old son, David. After earning all his degrees at Pepperdine and doing post-grad work through the Air force at Harvard, Joe is now a Pediatric Psychologist. His current position is as Director of the Behavior Modification Clinic at Madigan Army Medical Center within Fort Lewis. Our second son, Mark, is married and lives in Atlanta with his wife and two children--Judy, 7, and Finn, 4. Mark works as an Account Executive with Dell Computer. Andrew and David, our youngest two sons live in Austin, Texas, and also work for Dell. Andrew is married and has two little girls--Abby, age 4, and Hannah, almost 1. Davis isn't married but says he's "the world's best uncle". Richard and I have decided that the only trouble with raising our children and moving a lot during their younger years is that they all live too darn far from us now! Sigh! Such is life, I guess! Needless to say, we spend as much time as we can with all of our kids and grandkids. When possible, we RV to places we both enjoy. For Richard, that's the mountains. As for me, nothing is quite like being near the beach, hearing the sound of waves and smelling the ocean. In upcoming weeks, we're planning for a
new arrival at our house. Hopefully we'll have an Australian Shepherd
pup before the end of the year and will be able to train her for agility
competitions. I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes.
From JoAnn Haworth Emmett: We both retired and moved to Canyon Lake, 2 1/2 years ago. We have been married now for 47 years. We have two kids, Debbie 46 years old, and has 3 kids; Aubree 21 years old, going to college and transferring to Long Beach State this year, to be a teacher for Special Need Kids; Barrett 18 years old, just graduated from Huntington High was on football team and is going to college this September. Colbee, 14 years old, is going into high school, Huntington High. Jimmy is 42, lives out here by us, has one son Brandon, he is going to be a senior in September in high school. Jimmy is married and has two step daughters. One 21 years old and married, and the other one is 18 and just graduated from high school and going to Santa Barbara State this August. Jimmy has taken up fishing like his Dad and is going pro next year. We love it out here. Jim fishes at least four to five days a week. I have joined some clubs and ride around in our golf cart.
Now living in Arizona. Working three days a week for the Chamber of Commerce in Carefree, AZ. Loving life and all it has to offer. Took four months last summer and traveled the U.S. with my now ex-husband in our Airstream. We had a super time and saw the beauty and wonders of our great country. The four grandkids are getting older but I refuse to. They are 18, 15, 10 & 8. Two are in Colorado and two in California. Arizona is a new chapter, maybe two, in my life. Having a good time meeting new people and exploring a new area. There are some great places in this state. Retirement has been great. It has afforded me the opportunity to stay busy doing the things I like; ceramics, jewelry classes, yoga, reading, walking my black lab and of course traveling. Looking forward to the 50th. It is always great fun! Thanks to the committee for all the great work you do in making each and everyone of our reunions a super success and exceptionally great fun.
From Barbara Pennington Harris: Barbara Pennington Harris (Sun City, CA)
- Life’s Story in a Nutshell? That doesn’t leave much room!
What can I say, life has been a challenge but I’m a survivor and for the
most part, lifes been sweet. Then it’s all in ones attitude isn’t
it? With little or no help, I pretty much raised a daughter and a
son on my own and I’m so blessed with how they’ve grown up. After
many years my daughter Kris went back to school, graduated with honors
from MSJC (Mt. San Jacinto College) a year ago and has just completed her
first year at UCR and plans on becoming a Wildlife Conservationist or Biologist.
Her husband (Randy) is a Firefighter with the US Forest Service and maybe
going to CDF this year. Around two years ago my son and his wife
(Colin and Jacki) got full custody of his daughter (Morgan) from a prior
relationship. They’ve lived in CO for many years but maybe returning
to CA by the end of the year wanting to invest in property while the prices
are low. With all luck, I may trade in my mobile for a house myself.
So for the moment I’m priming, painting, having light fixtures changed
and I’ll soon be additing curb appeal to the front. Website didn’t
do so well, so closed that and rented a space in a Boutique where I sell
my products and my daughter got me started selling on eBay, so that affords
me the opportunity to spend more time at home doing what I want to do or
just going for a bike ride with my little Pomeranian Ariel in the basket.
Yeah, we check out all the ‘old’ people living around here. (4/09)
Well, 2008 was a very interesting year. I left Visa in March, or perhaps I should say, Visa left me, which was good for me. The experience of dealing with Social Security and Medicare was a challenge since I took it midyear prior to reaching my full retirement age. I still have my oldest daughter, Lauren, and my three grandchildren living with me. It has been fun to help with them and to have them around the house. It is amazing how busy I keep now that I do not have a job. My Mother spent the last several years of her life with us and that experience was something we all enjoyed and now miss. I traveled to the Mid-West and Pacific
North West to visit relatives, but for the most part I really enjoy being
around the neighborhood. I guess the commute for all those years
has caught up with me. I have had to deal with some health issues,
but who our age has not? I Iearned all about Sleep Apnea. Additionally,
I had Carotid Artery Surgery in October. Now I am better and ready
to go for an exciting 2009 as long as the money holds out.
Aloha all you MCHS senior citizens! I retired December 1, 2008 to enjoy the holidays and start chipping away on the things I’ve put off doing for far too long. 50 years in the work force is enough. I find volunteering with some of the nonprofits on the North Shore is a whole subculture unto its self … and very rewarding. We are having lots of success with the North Shore Community Land Trust and with our Pupukea Marine Life Conservation District. And, the Haleiwa Arts Festival gets bigger and better every year … watch out Laguna! One of my pleasures is being Santa Clause in our local Haleiwa parade and sitting with the young “believers” while the parents perform the “smile, smile gymnastics” for their bewildered ones … priceless. Both my daughters are out in the Honolulu suburbs trying hard to match their urban life styles with their income … just like most of us are. My wonderful wife, Glandness, is a school administrator on a military base … a big time physiological pressure cooker. Since I robbed the cradle … she will be at it for a few more years. My mom, Ruth Leinau (92) lives just down the road and still keeps a busy social calendar that keeps lots of people jumping. She is affectionately referred to as Madam Pupu in honor of her elegant party appetizers. My new years resolution is to get my two
new titanium hips [see attached picture] into high gear at least once a
day in the ocean or up some hills. And, get some root bound potted plants
into the ground. Happy, Healthy New Year,
From Bob Wildenberg: I have been retired for 10+ years now, but the way the market is going I might have to become a greeter at WalMart. Oh well, no one would hire me for the WalMart job except maybe the Target store across the street (to encourage customers to go to Target instead). I have two daughters, both grads of MICOHI, and two grandaughters, both now attending MICOHI. And my son-in-law, Robert Woodie, went there too! And his father, Bob Woodie, graduated from MICOHI, class of 1960! And my oldest daughter, Jennifer, is a counselor for the South Bay Union School District and her office is at MICOHI! So, why have I moved from Manhattan Beach to New Hampshire, to Boston MA, to Hermosa Beach, to LA, to Eagle Rock, to Boston, (again), to Yorba Linda, to Anaheim Hills, to Tustin Ranch, and now to San Clemente? I guess three wives and my sense (or nonsense) of adventure had something to do with it. Way interesting. I do traveling, the gym, golf, lots of reading, crosswords, WEB surfing, and occasional sip(s) of wine, or whatever else is at hand. Looking forward to the 50th,
From Murray Bishop: I’ve finally found out what I want to be
when I grow up - a bad boy biker
From Rick Mattox: Let's see, 50 years in a nutshell: after M.C.H.S. I entered Long Beach State (as it was called then) with the intention of becoming a secondary level music instructor. I idolized George Cather, the instrumental music teacher at MiCoHi; he not only encouraged me to develop my talent, but put up with my adolescent nonsense. But while at L.B.S.C. I discovered I could actually make a living playing music; so I basically spent the next 30 years trying for the brass ring. I never hit the big time, but with the love and support of my wife, Vita, who incidentally I met while performing at a little beer bar at the foot of the Manhattan Pier (anybody remember the "Port of Entry" aka "Passport Inn"?), we've managed a good life. We celebrate our 42nd Anniversary next month, have three sons and three grandsons, and live in the same house in Costa Mesa that we moved into right after marriage. One of the highlights of my otherwise mediocre career was working for Princess Cruises, playing on their ships from 1974-1978; I fell in love with cruising and ships--I had always loved the ocean, growing up in Manhattan. I have since retired, but we cruise as often as possible, most recently in Scandanavia, with my Mother, who is 92 and still doing quite nicely.
From Peggy Stone Bodmer: MY LIFE IS MOVING, AT A MUCH
From Becky Brock Maynard: After a 37-year involvement in education
both full time and part-time, I
Husband Richard is still working and traveling
and now I can go with
Motorhoming with my single sister Nancy
in her TREK is an adventure. We
The college thing worked! All four
of our sons are gainfully employed and
From Gretchen Andersen Marchmann: Gretchen Andersen Marchmann has been retired from the insurance industry for 12 years now but she hasn’t been idle. She started her own "non-lucrative" home-based business making custom baby books on her computer but gave that up 8 years ago when she was appointed by the national Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society as their Publications Committee Chairwoman. It may not be a “paying job” and she enjoys working out of her home using her computer to design/write/organize/edit/publish three yearly newsletters and the annual convention binder as well as anything else they want her and the committee to do. Her husband Bill is not retired yet and doesn’t plan on it for awhile because he enjoys designing computer programs for his employer. Their son Brian, a computer wiz and a website designer, and his wife Patricia, another computer wiz, have two daughters Emily (5½) and Kelsey (3) which are the apples of their eyes. Since they only live 20 minutes away from them, they see them as frequently as possible. Gretchen and Bill say it is great being grandparents and family is the most important thing for them. They are looking forward to the reunion and hopes everyone will be there.
Judi Broberg Pasco lives on Maui with her
husband, Fred, of 37 years. Judi has worked at the Realtors Association
of Maui for 26 years as Executive Assistant and Professional Standards
Administrator. Her most satisfying volunteer work was as a crisis
worker for Maui's Sex Abuse Intervention Center for several years.
After working years managing hotels and restaurants, her husband is semiretired.
His hotel management jobs took them to Kona on the Big Island and Kauai
for a few years, but Maui is definitely home. Judi moved to Lahaina,
Maui, 40 years ago to live with her father, and met Fred while working
at the Sheraton-Maui Hotel. Fred has five generations of family living
on Maui, which means lots of cousins, aunties, and uncles, and being related
to more people on the island every time someone gets married. Their
#1 daughter, Ke'ala (the fragrance), lives on Maui and works at the Kamehameha
Schools, a private school for children of Hawaiian ancestry. She
has danced hula since she was three years old and it continues to be a
major part of her life. Ke'ala's two sons, Kanoa (free spirit), 12
years, and Kala'iomakena (the tranquility of Makena), 10 years, both attend
Kamehameha Schools. Judi and Fred's #2 daughter, Misty Kalanionapua
(the heavenly flower) also lives on Maui and manages Camp Grande at the
Grand Wailea Resort. When Misty and her husband, Kalei, who also
has a large Hawaiian family, were married five years ago, their wedding
was a "little local gathering of 700!" They have one daughter, La'akeaokalani
(the sacred light of heaven), 2-1/2, who attends Kamehameha Preschool.
Judi writes, "When you see the Hawaiian names, keep in mind that, when
I was young, I planned on growing up, getting married, and having twins
named Janie & Johnny, who would have blonde hair and blue eyes...
I have a husband who is the true spirit of Hawaiian aloha, and golden skinned,
dark eyed children with Hawaiian names. I have been blessed..."
Judi's life revolves around her family and Keawala'i Congregational Church,
an old Hawaiian church in Makena, Maui. (posted 5/30/05)
Manley Fox became Dr. Manley Fox, obtaining
multiple different degrees, including several different Black Belt degrees.
Currently one of the highest ranking Black Belts in the U.S. Worked on
a variety of N.A.S.A. and D.O.D. projects including the first Moon and
Mars landers along with some of the military hardware that you're seeing
today. Copyright author of probably the World's largest combatives system,
which forms the basis of the current U.S. Army hand to hand combatives
manual. Published a qualitative and quantitative text on U.S. graduate
student comprehensives testing. Currently own and operate several businesses
in Calif. and Washington State and doing (Stargate) defense related work
when not gold prospecting. Currently living in Redondo Beach, Calif.
(posted shortly before his passing in 2003)
To bring you and other MCHS mustangs up to date since graduating from Mira Costa, I spent two years in Texas, earned a BS degree in Banking and Finance from Brigham Young University and an MBA from the University of Utah, then went to work for the Chief Engineer of the Manned Orbital Space Lab program at McDonald-Douglas Astronautics. We decided to leave California and spent nearly a decade in Connecticut with the expansion of a restaurant chain, then as a financial planner and supervisor of capital budgeting for the Nestle Company in New York. We loved the east coast, but our hearts were always in the west. We decided to settle in Salt Lake City, because it was near Pattie’s family yet close enough to dip your toes in the ocean or visit Disneyland during a summer vacation. Currently, I am a deputy director of the Utah Legislative Financial Office and oversee the budgeting for the State’s universities, colleges and technical schools. I can assure you that you do not want to see sausage being made nor politics in action. The budgets for these nineteen schools run into the billions. During hard economic times like were all seem to be having, many powerful people salivate over ways of getting their hands on this money to preserve their programs. To say the least, this job, with all its challenges, gets very exciting as political power plays unfold. As for my family, Pattie and I have been married 33 years. We have six children, two are married and we have 2 and 8/9th grand children (due this march). A son graduated from BYU-Hawaii last December, another son gets his law degree in May from Gonzaga, two daughters are attending the university, and two daughters (one married) enjoy working. I’ve sent along two pictures of the family. As you know, the Olympics are in full swing now, so my family and neighbors are involved with Olympic activities. We live about 20 minutes from Alta - Snowbird and Brighton ski resorts so the kids all enjoy winter sports. In fact, we will be hosting a couple this weekend that will be here to watch the Olympic events. A son that speaks Japanese is helping Japanese tourists get around while they are here for the Olympics. If you would like to speak Spanish, I have three kids and a son-in-law that would love to chat with you. So, if you’re ever in town, or know of anyone from MCHS that will be here, give us a call we’re in the phone book, I would love to have you over for a visit. Best wishes, Boyd Garriott (posted 2/13/02)
From Richard Saum: Dear Friends and Family: As most of you know, I am leaving August
3rd (2004) and heading for Israel for 2
Qumran is located in the Judean desert,
about 10 miles south of Jericho and
The Qumran community was founded sometime
during the Hasmonean (Maccabean)
To quote Dr. Randall Price [he's just completed
the 1st day at the dig at
Relax! This is only going to be a
3-part series! You can find all the
My interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls (and
the Qumran community that
That story was great in itself, but when
Dr. Monroe indicated that among
The rest, as they say, is history.
My interest (and library) over the
Conventional scholarship over the decades
has believed that the Qumran
Rich/Dick Saum ******* Rich also sent the following letter. Dear Friend of World of the Bible, Randall Price is in Israel digging (in 107 deg. heat) on the Qumran Plateau as I write to you. They have started to uncover some further evidence of habitation but it is not yet clear what it is yet. The problem he has at this point is he has only 2 capable diggers with him at this point which is significantly slowing the dig which can not afford to be slowed down now. He has 5 squares to excavate (approx 15'x15' each) He has requested I inform those on the newsletter list of his situation. He would like to thank all those who have contributed thus far and let you know that he is where he is because of your generosity. But because of the lateness of time and the lack of time to find dig volunteers due to bureaucratic issues in receiving a permit from the governing authorities, he wanted me to ask you to consider donating to the dig if you have not or if you already have, donating a little bit more. He can hire some additional diggers from the local area sufficient to the task for about another $3000. If you can help with this small amount it would be most appreciated. For a $35 donation or more, those who donate (and have already donated to the Qumran dig) we will send a copy of Dr. Price's new book "Battle for the Last Days Temple" as a grateful gift for helping with Dr. Price at this time. As stated previously we can take donations
by credit card on our secure site
You may also send a check made out to World of the Bible Ministries (or WBM) to WBM, PO box 827, San Marcos, TX, 78667-0827. Please note on the check it is for the Qumran Dig. Of course, if you would like to try to get to Israel in a timely fashion to actually be a dig volunteer you may contact me for details by emailing me at . Thank you so much again for your support of Dr. Price and his efforts to bring the World of the Bible to the Word of the Church. In Christ Service, Ken Stanford
*** Another update (8/2/04)... I just got off the phone with World of the Bible, and was told by the secretary that they found a jar and its cover, and last Thursday they unearthed 2 bronze coins predating the 31 B.C. earthquake in square 1 (see website map on www.worldofthebible/com) . In all of Randy's archaeology digs he has never found any coins... and so he's really excited since that's always an archaeologist's dream! 6 volunteers have came from Germany and they have also hired a bedouin and his son to help... so it looks as if we will be able to excavate all 5 squares as planned! *** A follow-up letter, posted 8/23/04: Just returned from Israel and the dig at
Qumran... this was a article my
We also unearthed a large number of animal
bones at the site the last week
Rich/Dick Saum
After high school I matriculated to El
Camino College where I received an AA
I'm really pleased to hear from old friends.
I'll share with you, and hope
1960-Life took me first to Long Beach State
(with Joann Gilbert as my
1975-The great outdoors took us to Salem,
OR, where John worked for the
1984-When KOIN was finished, we moved to
Marin County where I worked for a
1992-We left all three kids in college
and moved to Jakarta, Indonesia,
2002-Mark, our oldest, was a criminal defense
attorney for 5 years and is
Daughter Tory and son Trampas, our
youngest, lived together in San Luis
Trampas graduated Cal Poly, (I'm sure),
in Ethnic Studies (maybe). Both
My interests are houses (we owned an Eichler
in Marin County), gardening,
John's rules of marriage include "my" not
running out of taco sauce or
I love to hear from old friends...and what
rules of life each is living