These photos were sent in by members of the Class of '60 and their families shortly before the 2010 reunion. The latest photos are on page 5.
Mike Wimberly (second from left) and Linda Reardon Neal enjoyed a memorable vacation in the Galapagos Islands in 2010. At left in the photo is the Zodiac captain, Horatio. Next to Linda is a National Geographic Society guide, Paul. Ken and Jeannie Sigafoos had this portrait taken during an Alaskan cruise in 2010.
In this 2009 photo at Pismo Beach, Jack Mike Clute poses with his family: Donna (44), Christy (49), Susan ("gulp! over 60," Mike says), Amarena (39), and Mike ("not lookin' too bad after a six way bypass last February," he says). "Susan and I can hardly wait for the September reunion," he adds.
In these 2009 holiday photos, Noel and Laura Sewall pose with friends on their spread in Livermore, Calif.
This is a 2009 photo of Jim and Pam McEntyre. See the sharing page for an update of what they've been doing since they were married 45 years ago!
Here are Rick and Vita Mattox on a cruise to Hawaii to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 2006...
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